DFaC Cares Fund

The DFAC Cares Fund is to provide relief for those needing financial assistance due to an unexpected hardship.  An individual can apply or a DFAC Board member can apply on behalf of an individual once per year. The maximum amount per year for an approved application is $250. This fund is to be used in the following manner:

  1. Unexpected hardships defined as, but not limited to:
  2. Death in the family, loss of employment, necessary home/vehicle repairs, natural disaster, pandemics, etc.
  3. To help individuals whose personal rights have been violated due to their sexual orientation.
  4. This fund will help individuals with, but not limited to:
    1. Utility bills (where service will be disconnected, and final notice has been given).
    2. Medical expenses.
    3. Basic living expenses (groceries, diapers, formula, clothing).
  5. Applications must be received 14 days prior to services being terminated.
  6. Applications received after the 14-day timeframe may be denied.


To apply for assistance from this fund, you must supply the following:

  1. Completed DFAC Cares Fund Application by yourself or a Board member.
  2. Copy of bill/bills to be paid, including account numbers and where payment is to be sent.

Once the needed information is provided and has been submitted , the following will occur:

  1. The fund administrator may be in contact with you to ensure the application is correct and complete.
  2. The application is then turned over to the President of the Board of Directors to bring before the board for discussion, decision, and final vote.
  3. All personal information will be kept completely confidential.
  4. Approval is based on the application, as well as available funding.
  5. Submitted applications are not guaranteed to be approved.
  6. If the application is approved the applicant will be notified and the checks will be written DIRECTLY to the company, NOT the applicant.
  7. Checks will be mailed to the company directly.

We strive to get the needed assistance to the applicant as soon as possible, however, incomplete forms and missing information will only delay the process.  Please double check the application for accuracy and check that all needed documentation is included.

 To apply for assistance from the DFAC Cares Fund, fill out the following application completely. Email completed application and supporting documentation to DFACCaresfund@DRAG4aCAUSE.org or you can mail to DRAG for a CAUSE, Attention DFAC Cares Fund Administrator, 406 Broadway St., Rock Springs, WY, 82901.

To download the DFaC Cares application :